Give the Gift of Health to patients like Martin.

Your gift this holiday season provides quality, comprehensive, medical and dental care for over 1,200 patients in McLean County.

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Your gift this holiday season provides quality, comprehensive, medical and dental care for over 1,200 patients in McLean County.

Martin is grateful for the Community Health Care Clinic

How many times have you heard the phrase “it takes a village?”

When it comes to Martin, it’s so true. He’s alive today because of that village, because of the Community Health Care Clinic and because of you.

In February of this year Martin’s co-worker at La Mexicana introduced him to CHCC Executive Director, Mike Romagnoli. He ask Mike to look at Martin’s arm because he had a lump on his arm that was growing really fast and it was super painful. Mike took one look and insisted Martin make an appointment at CHCC. Mike didn’t give him much of a choice!

Martin first saw Dr. Danielle Kim, a volunteer at CHCC. She immediately sent him for a biopsy with Dr. Matilde Francois who diagnosed Martin with a rare form of cancer. Dr. Francois referred him to the leading soft tissue specialist at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. The surgeon was able to remove just the tumor and not a full amputation, as was feared. All provided at no cost.

Today, Martin is grateful for that village and for the generous people like you who make it possible.

Because of your support, more than 1,200 patients like Martin receive primary care, dental care and prescription medicines, access to specialists and hospitals. Patients control diabetes, hypertension, and yes, cancer. They receive treatment for arthritis, strep throat and a broken arm.

All of this at no cost. All because of you.

CHCC is funded solely by grants and generous donations from people like you. But as expenses rise and grant funders change their priorities, like so many others we are feeling the squeeze.

Today, Martin feels fortunate to be alive and back at La Mexicana! And he is so very grateful to you for your generous support of CHCC.

Please make your gift today!